2013年1月20日 星期日

London Pride

About the beer

Source: Fuller's Chiswick Brewery, Chiswick, West London

Strength: 4.7% ABV

Tasting at The United
           500ml bottle
           poured  into brand-labeled pint glass

Rating (out of 10): 10

Notes: Yes. the score is some kind of religious nature. I know there is nothing perfect in our flaw world, but my prejudice urges me to have the rating of 10 to this all-time favourite ale of mine.

Nothing could give you more satisfaction than holding your pint of london pride in an afternoon, drinking leisurely, looking at the setting sun and enjoying yourself.  Come on, what else could you ask for in your miserable life than sitting back with your favourite pint of ale?  In that sense, my life is not that miserable.

The first thing strikes you in your first mouthful is it aroma and hoppy taste, so well-balanced that you will need a second as soon as enough.

But stop the haste, take a look at the colour, especially under the sunlight.  It is radiating, golden (not that pale), and simply beautiful.

London pride goes extremely well with curry dishes, a perfect match!  (And of course, also when you are watching Manchester United playing against Liverpool, and suddenly a trick of magic by van Persie, and it's 1-0 to United!!)

Strangely enough, it has to be your first drink when you are drinking the pride so that taste would not be polluted.  I have to say that also pride is not good for binge drinking, as the second pint is absolutely not so appealing than the first one.  That's simply its character, and telling you quality is much more important than quantity (if you go for the volumn, simply pick a bucket - six bottles - of Becks or Foster).

Furthermore, the experience was also very much satisfying when I visited the Chiswick Brewery last summer, with my best mate.  (the tour should and will be another new post, in due course.)

