Origin :
Originally inspired by a monastic recipe from the abbey of the same name, which as already produce a pale and a brown ale.
Type of beer:
Abbey triple pale ale, unfiltered and unpasteurised, brewed by a layman in the right wing of the abbey.
Aroma :
Both delicate and full-bodied.
Alcohol content:
Strong 9%
Warm yellow, slightly cloudy.
Its full bodied taste is progressive but never excessive. A slightly sugared flavour in the middle of the mouth - a perfect combination of alcohol, bitterness and sweetness. Finally accentuates an aromatic and alcohol bitterness. Excellent and highly digestible, particularly when accompanying a good meal.
Head :
Nice white head, not too oily because of its high alcohol content.
Glass :
Flared goblet, rounded at the rim.
Packed in :
Bottle 33 cl with cap
75 cl, 1.5l and 3l (all three with wired stoppers)
Tasting: Frites (Belgium on tap)
33 cl bottled, poured in brand-named goblet
Rating (out of 10): 9
Notes: Very balanced among bitterness, hoppy-ness, crispy-ness, while remaining its "vintage" feeling of high ABV. Very refined, especially compatible with a hearty meal.